Shakira confirms pregnancy rumors that she is a MOM! She announced on her website "as some of you may know, Gerard and I am very happy, awaiting the arrival of our first child. Like Shakira is expecting her first child, the practice of Yoga is the perfect preparation for the mother. Regular practice of Yoga pregnancy, before, during and after pregnancy is very useful, as it improves blood circulation, bring relaxation, strengthening muscles and relieve back pain.
He develops a positive attitude that helps cope with anxiety and fear of the unknown. It improves digestion, controls the excessive weight and prevents the shoulders that often develops during pregnancy. However, pregnancy yoga should be changed and is very gentle. Yoga pregnancy system includes gentle Hatha Yoga, breath (without holding your breath), meditation and science of sleep.
It is very important to take precautions during pregnancy. The woman should consult a physician before beginning any exercise or yoga in a case History of premature labour commune (b) were hoping for twins or triplets (c) strongly under or overweight (d) epilepsy/Asthama (e) Ruptured membranes (f) sudden swelling of hands, ankles or face (g) abdominal pain.
In addition, you should avoid combining common group yoga classes, instead it should be a private session or special pregnancy yoga group only and not the overall Yoga class as many of the yoga postures should be changed in a yoga class.