VH Apparel - Whatever It Takes Charity - Joss Stone Shea Butter And Vitamin E Infused Quarter High Chenille Socks - Black/Artwork

The amazing talent of Joss Stone, while commonly thought to be her singing voice, is actually her drawing hand. We didn't find this out until we asked her to donate some artwork to Whatever It Takes which is an organization which provides charity to many needy people around the world. The talented and beautiful performer was happy to lend her hand to this great cause and came up with some of the most beautiful and inspiring drawings. On the sock are small drawings of a heart, a peace sign, and a diamond. These represent the ideas of interconnecting through love and peace. These socks serve two purposes: 1.With the infusions of shea-butter and Vitamin E your feet are softened and treated 2. Your contributions to the organization make somebody's life better. You don't have to choose.

Price: $14.99

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